> Hi! I'm Ángel

I'm Ángel Piñeiro, a Software Engineer with a strong focus on mobile development. I'm from Galicia, one of the the greatests spots in the world, so feel free to address me as Ángel or Anxo, the Galician way.

I began my journey more than 10 years ago by contributing to e-health projects within the research domain, primarily focused on Android and web development. Over the years, I have worked in a wide range of projects that demanded a deep understanding in both frontend and backend development, and I often found myself bridging the gap in between. I whould define myself as a versatile developer, with knowledge and skills that allow me to adapt to a wide range of scenarios.

Besides development, playing instruments gives me a welcome distraction from Google's constant API deprecations, and I also have a strong passion for nature and outdoor sports such as hiking, snowboarding, and biking.


Master degree in Information Technologies

University of Santiago de Compostela2011 - 2013

Degree in Computer Science

University de Santiago de Compostela2006 - 2011


Senior Software Engineer

Disashop2023 - Present

Full-stack multiplatform development.


  • API design and implementation, with a focus on microservices.
  • Creating user-friendly multiplatform interfaces using Flutter.
  • Backend development with SpringBoot.

Software Engineer

Imagames Gamification Services S.L2018 - 2021

Full stack developer, working at the Imagames Matrix platform and other cool projects.


  • Frontend development with VueJS.
  • Android mobile apps development.
  • Implementation of new Matrix components (db, services, analytics).
  • Application of machine learning strategies.

Software Engineer

Singular Centre for Research in Intelligent Technologies of the USC (CITIUS)2011 - 2018

Full stack developer, collaborating in research projects mainly related to e-health.


  • Building systems for the acquisition, processing, and visualization of physiological signals and parameters (ECG, SAO2).
  • Design and implementation of web tools for real-time visualization of physiological signals.
  • Developing, publishing, and maintaining Android applications.
  • Collaborating in the design and execution of clinical trials involving real patients.
  • Supervising final degree projects of Computer Science students at USC

IT Assistant

University of Santiago de Compostela2010 - 2011

Scholarship to collaborate with the staff of the computer classrooms at the USC Engineering School.

  • Software and hardware installation and maintenance.
  • Assist users of the computer classrooms.

Freelance web developer

Galicia2006 - 2011

Development of different websites under the direction of the design company cenlitrosmetrocadrado.




App on Github | Backend on Github

Bikenance is a work-in-progress Android application designed for bike enthusiasts who want to keep complete control over bike and component maintenances. The app features integration with Strava, a popular platform for tracking cycling activities, and uses ride data to track component mileage and show reminders for servicing.

It started as a Jetpack Compose learning project, but has grown beyond my expectations. It has now evolved into a fully-fledged Android app with a Kotlin backend, that offers plenty of room for the implementation of new cool features.

Imagames Universe


Corporate website of Imagames developed in 2021. A beautiful project that I'm proud of, and also a challenge full of animations and responsive design. It's an SPA built with VueJS and NuxtJS. Unfortunately, it is not currently available, but you can get a sneak peek in the video below.

Behind the idea and illustrations is the talent of @SandraLodi.


RecruitGame is an R&D project I actively participated at Imagames. It's a platform that simplifies recruiting processes by integrating automatic skill and aptitude assessments via gamification.

I built a web tool for recruiters using VueJS and contributed to the development of the candidates app for Android. Additionally, I developed an algorithm to match resumes in PDF to the ESCO competency and skills model using AutoML andTensorFlow.

Loureiro App

Loureiro is an application that I entirely developed at Imagames for a small Galician cooperative of dairy products. Although it may seem like a simple app, it presented some interesting challenges during development like printing tickets using a Bluetooth thermal printer and exporting invoices as Excel sheets directly from the phone.


Github | Google Play

Caléndula is an Android assistant for improving medication adherence. It started out as my Master's thesis project, but it was soon adopted as an independent project by CITIUS, where I had the opportunity to work on it for several years alongside amazing people.

I immensely enjoyed working on this project, and over the years it gave birth to a bunch of new cool development lines. I worked in voice interaction, pharmacy geolocation, and symptom management, just to name a few, and we also had collaborations on adapting the project to specific scenarios like diabetes or lung cancer that demand a strict adherence to the recommended therapeutic protocol.

It was a fantastic experience that helped me grow a lot, both profesionally and personally.

Calendula SERGAS

Web | Google Play

Calendula-SERGAS is an enhanced edition of Calendula that seamlessly connects with the electronic services of the Galician Health System. Along with the standard functionalities of Calendula, it offers convenient access to the patient's medication schedule and the pharmacy's medication dispensing calendar.

Servando View

ServandoView was my final degree project, a web tool designed to visualize the home monitoring information of patients collected through Servando, an already existent mobile app that was built using .NET at the time. ServandoView allowed for the reception, storage, and visualization of the information gathered by Servando, which was a lot:

  • ECG and SaO2 signals of many hours of duration
  • Physiological events such as weight and blood pressure
  • Health surveys results

This project was the reason I started working at CITIUS, where I dedicated my first efforts to redesign and adapt it for a pilot study that included actual patients from cardiology area of the University Hospital of Santiago de Compostela.

Servando Platform


Servando is an open and distributed telemedicine platform, and was the first Android project I worked on. My job was porting the initial version of Servando (originally developed in .NET) to the Android platform. It was a beautiful project, but also challenging and quite a feat, both due to the state of the Android ecosystem at that time (2011), and the complexity of the functionality to be developed (such as medical actions scheduling, interaction with external bluetooth devices, or ECG processing).

MBeat Home


MBEAT emerged as a collaboration between CITIUS and Imaxdi Real Innovation. The objective was the development of an intelligent, ubiquitous, and real-time telemonitoring system for chronic patients with cardiovascular pathologies.

I contributed to this project by designing and implementing a web-based platform that offers real-time ECG and physiological parameter visualization, along with a wide range of analysis tools, customizable visualization templates, scaling options, and annotation features.



A python tool for generating annotated PDFs from signal records stored in the WFDB-MIT format.



My personal portfolio, this very webpage you're exploring right now. It's built with ReactJS, Next.js and Tailwind. Since you already here, prepare to be surprised by the occasional appearance of adorable random cats!

 © Copyright 2023 Anxo Piñeiro